
Are you not satisfied with your order? We are very sorry and would love to hear what we can do to make you happy.

You can return your order up to 14 days and we will make sure the purchase price is transferred as soon as possible. You will not be reimbursed for the cost of the return.

To return your goods, please contact us in advance to request a return form. Without a return form, we unfortunately cannot authorize your return.

Retourneer step-by-step guide

Contact us and ask for the return form
Fill in the form*
Send the form together with the goods you want to return
* If any information is missing from the return form, we will unfortunately not be able to examine the returned product or issue a credit. In this case, we will make an attempt to make contact and get the missing information complete for the time being.

Returns must always have a Track & Trace. We also reserve the right to refuse the return if it appears that the shipment has a broken seal, traces of use or is in a condition that makes it unsaleable to third parties.

Sealed products that are not suitable for return for health or hygiene reasons and whose seal has been broken after delivery, we unfortunately cannot accept returns either.